Meet Miesh

What is Miesh Clothing? Well, to put it simply, it is my forever passion project. I have been working on other ventures for the past 10 years or so, while always spending my free time collecting clothing and creating editorial dreamscapes through playing dress ups. I don’t even want to add up how much I have spent at my local thrift stores over the years! My goal has always been the same: to create. Whether that is creating visual stories that have no place in the reality of my day to day life, or simply finding and wearing the most perfect pair of vintage jeans and a t-shirt. I love the feeling of fabrics. Each vintage piece feels like a little slice of history and I sometimes long to know who owned it before me!
This blog will be a mix of my editorial shoots, features on local artisans, stores worth knowing, clothing for sale, and who knows what else! I want to create a platform that I can finally share my creative photography and styling work with no other reason than to just put it out in the world. I do so much of these projects for myself, but I don’t want their end goal to just be a file on my computer or a film negative stored away in my garage. I hope that they can be a sense of inspiration and spark creativity in your day, and that I can show you how fashion is not only a reality of our day to day, but that it can be a true form of artistic expression and creativity.
To all the models, makeup artists, assistants and friends who have helped me create thus far, I just need to give you a huge virtual hug. I want to say thank you for the encouragement, the patience, the time and effort you have put into these shoots. I cannot wait to share what we have worked on!
Thank you for following along!